Columbus Real Estate
Whether you build homes, sell real estate or a related product or service, ColumbusRealEstate can improve your marketing efforts. We offer a number of multi-media marketing solutions. And when combined with the power of Dispatch Media Group our reach is unparalleled.
Featured Homes
A new way to make a top listing stand out from the pack!
You know that the real estate game is a competitive one. You need every edge you can get. The Columbus Dispatch is here to help with a new ad-placement availability in the Sunday At Home section.
Your “Featured Home” ad — which is 10 percent of a page and in full color — will be anchored to the bottom of one of the popular home-sales pages. There, readers can read all about your superstar listing apart from the rest of the Central Ohio listings.
I owe you a big thanks for telling me about the Sunday ad. The first time I ran it, I got a call from a buyer that very day, that turned into a showing of the advertised property. What great results! My sellers and I were thrilled.
I love the color in the photo and the space there is for copy. With results like that, I will be running it again.
Sarah Eagleson, Keller Williams Classic Properties
Marketing Your Open Houses
Increase your exposure and let central Ohio know about your open houses with the Open House Locator Guide in The Columbus Dispatch, online, and on our new app.
New Open House App Features:
- Photo, Location, Open Day, Time, Seller Contact Info, Link To Realtor's Website
- Browse by list or map view, search listings by price, beds, baths, and your proximity to your locations
- Driving Directions (including multi-stops), save to favorites, optional alerts, and share by email
At Home Section
The Sunday At Home Section is the information source for real estate shoppers in Central, Ohio. This section is packed with features that make it a must read for anybody in the market for real estate.
Builder Blueprints
Every week the Columbus Dispatch Featured a floor plan in the Sunday At Home.
Drive results by having one of YOUR floor plans featured in the At Home in The Columbus Dispatch. Your Photo/Rendering along with the layout floor plan and a description of the floor plan will be the feature of the week. We will only have one per week and placement is first come first serve so book early.

Condo Quest
Buyers seeking a home that suits their lifestyle will find Spring Home & CondoQuest special section a must-read.
BIA Parade of Homes
BIA Parade of Homes features inside the Sunday Dispatch Home & Garden section. Surveys reveal a majority of Parade goers are looking for ideas and products for their current or next home.
The Parade of Homes Planbook is the official tour program of the BIA Parade of Homes. A Planbook advertisement is one of the best ways for builders, contractors, suppliers and home retailers to target a motivated audience with one’s advertising message.

Spotlight on Homes
Make sure your listings receive that extra attention each Sunday in this highly visible special sectionA feature page in the Sunday Dispatch that showcases great homes for sale Reach those buyers that are active in the market with an enhanced display ad
- Receive a 1 column x 2” display ad with color photo of your listing
- GET NOTICED – The Sunday Columbus Dispatch is read by more than 714,000 adults in central Ohio.
Realtors Spotlight
Be featured on the front of the Real Estate section
- Promote yourself to Central Ohio Sunday Dispatch readers
- Front page placement in the Real Estate section of the Sunday Dispatch
- Showcase 3 current or recently sold listings
Agent Upgrade
Upgrade from your basic listing package to increase your listing views
Plus, receive these amazing features to boost your online traffic
- Listing receives an Open House Icon
- Listing is returned in a special Open House Only search in the advanced search criteria
- You have the opportunity to add as much text as needed and change it on a weekly basis

Open House Guide
Increase your exposure and let central Ohio know about your open houses with the Open House Locator Guide in The Columbus Dispatch, online, and on our new app!

Agent Carousel
- Premium ad location on all search pages
- Ad position including homepage receives approximately 25,000 page views per month
- You are guaranteed 10% share of voice
- High impact 300x100 ad position
Columbus Monthly Home & Garden
Columbus Monthly Home & Garden magazine publishes six times a year. Each issue focuses on an overall theme. Readers will find relevant articles and photos on the latest home and garden topics and issues.