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    Earl Jonathan Tech

    Earl Jonathan Tech is a guest blogger for Dispatch Media Group and the founder of PrintMeister Australia, one of the newest online companies offering customized printing services that cover anything from leaflets to brochures. He is devoted to his print marketing business yet writes in his free time.

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    Why Utilizing Print Ads Continues To Boost Your Business

    Despite the world where almost everything is digitized, print continues to thrive. While there is no doubt about the scope that digital advertising can make, print ads can still deliver with depth and leave readers with a lasting impression. 

    Take for example last year’s HIV-positive posters that Ogilvy Brazil created as an awareness campaign of Life Support Group – an NGO that fights for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. Although digital copies of a poster with HIV-positive blood have reached people across the globe, they did not create as big an impact as the actual print ads themselves. The people who were able to touch the poster did so after being told, as part of the campaign, that HIV can no longer survive without a human body. In this sense, when the people felt it was safe to touch the posters, then the print ads served their purpose and the campaign achieved its goal.

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