These past couple of weeks have been big ones for us at the Dispatch Media Group. They’ve reinforced again my belief in good, old-fashioned newspaper reporting, as well as the need to invest in ourselves for the benefit of readers and advertisers like you. First, as you probably already know, on Jan. 19, we flipped the switch and went live on an entirely new look and feel for our websites, including The transition has been smooth and the sites are lightning quick on any device, making them an even better option than ever for showcasing your company’s marketing message. Then, last Sunday, The Dispatch front page led with a major investigative report by Jill Riepenhoff and Alan Johnson. It let readers know that Treasury Secretary nominee Steve Mnuchin wasn’t truthful when he told U.S. Senators during confirmation hearings that the company he once led didn’t employ “robo-signing” — or illegally signing off on stacks of mortgage documents without reading them. Jill and Alan’s story received national attention, including multiple mentions by Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. In fact, it was one of the reasons Senate Democrats took a step back and boycotted the vote for Mnuchin’s confirmation. These January events drove home to me, especially when so much bad information is being shared online, how important it is that local newspapers such as The Dispatch continue to serve the public with verified facts. That's the difference between the real news we produce and the "fake news" being pushed by pretenders. And we will continue to deliver real news in ways that are convenient to readers and attractive to advertisers. Sincerely, Bradley M. Harmon President and Publisher Dispatch Media Group