LOCALiQ | Columbus Marketing Blog

    Ways to Win on Mobile

    It is no surprise that mobile activity continues to climb and account for more time spent online than any other device. In fact, 40% of people say that they prefer to complete their entire shopping journey on mobile. However, businesses are still seeing more conversions taking place on desktops than they do on mobile. Why is this? Not because of the smaller size screen as you may think. It is because the experience is not great for the consumer.

    4 New Micro Moments Every Marketer Should Know

    The most powerful tool the consumer holds in today’s micro moment world is their phone. 82% of consumers reach for their phone when searching for a local business. As a marketer in 2016, displaying relevant content in these micro moments will keep your product or service under consideration. If your business is not relevant or found in mobile search you're missing out on a mountain of opportunity.

    Google Think recently posted powerful details about 4 distinct moments you can capitalize on to increase sales.

    Contact me today to consult on your mobile marketing strategy to increase sales and ensure your capturing your share of the 82% of consumers searching for a local business on their mobile device.

    Mobile Search- Leads to In-Store purchases

    In this micro-moment world we live in mobile search is taking over desktop search and is proving to be a relevant driver of in-store purchasing. As consumers become more savvy and seek quick solutions if your brand is not providing a first class experience, you will be quickly eliminated from consideration.
    Think Google recently posted some great research about how consumers are using mobile technology.
    An amazing 76% of people who search on their smart phones for something nearby visited a business within a day. Still think that it is OK to not be competing on the mobile battleground?

    Top Five Fundamentals of Mobile Advertising Design

    Mobile advertising is one of the fastest growing and most promising new marketing approaches.  Until recently, media venues have been defined by functionality and the surrounding environment.  Mobile has changed that.  The functionality of different mobile devices varies widely and the environments the devices are being used in are almost infinite.  In fact according a study conducted by Compete Inc., two out of three consumers use mobile devices at home to research education not just while on the go.  In addition, roughly one in eight education related searches are performed on a mobile device.  Consumers move fluidly across devices and platforms.  Advertisers must make sure their messages do the same.  With all of this opportunity packed into such small screens, what’s the best way to convey your message?

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