There has been a lot of buzz about the pending changes to the Facebook News Feed that were announced last week by Mark Zuckerberg. This post will address what those changes are, why they are being made, and what it means for your business.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Wed, Feb 14, 2018 [fa icon="user"] Hope Massie [fa icon="folder-open'] Social Media, Facebook, Digital Marketing Advice
Read More »For several years, the amount of time people spend consuming video content online has increased significantly. This trend is not changing in 2018 as viewers now watch more video content online than on traditional television. The growing platform of online video continues to create an immense opportunity for advertisers.
According to Google, 50% of internet users looked for online video related to a product or service before they visited a store, whether in person or online. Video is impactful and drives emotion and trust behind decision-making. Arguably, a strong marketing plan for any business must include an ongoing video advertising strategy.
When meeting with my clients, most understand the benefit and need of producing strong video content, but the questions I hear most common are, “Which online video platforms should I advertise on?” and “What are the benefits of each?” In this post, I’ll help make sense of three platforms that have a large and engaged audience, but that can be leveraged to impact a business’s advertising success and increase ROI.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Wed, Feb 07, 2018 [fa icon="user"] Kelsey Elliott Baclawski [fa icon="folder-open'] Facebook, Digital Marketing Advice, Website, Connected TV, YouTube
Read More »The blog below from the Harvard Business Review looks at Facebook "likes" to determine if they are an effective tool to generate revenue. As a markerter, I found this post to be extremely interesting, especially since Facebook is a key component of any marketing strategy.
In a series of experiments, the researchers tested four increasingly interactive ways in which Facebook might affect customers’ behavior. First, they explored whether liking a brand—passively following it—makes people more likely to purchase it. Second, they examined whether people’s likes affect their friends’ purchasing. Third, they looked at whether liking affects things other than purchasing (for example, whether it can persuade people to engage in healthful behaviors). And fourth, they tested whether boosting likes by paying to have branded content displayed in followers’ news feeds increases the chances of meaningful behavior change.
The results were clear: Merely liking a brand neither increases purchasing nor spurs friends to purchase more. Supporting likes with branded content, however, can prompt meaningful behavior change. This shouldn't discourage you from using Facebook as part of your marketing plans, but should, however help you to understand it's role in the overarching theme of your marketing strategy. It IS important for your brand to engage on Facebook since those who "like" your brand often times spend more money than those who don't. But, your strategy shouldn't stop at gathering "likes". Amplifying efforts with advertising can provide higher returns on investment while creating an opportunity to connect with the most-loyal customers. Read the full article below...
Contact Us to for a free consultation on social media marketing. DMG/Propel is a Google Premier Partner and was recently named 2017's Best Digital Agency from the Local Media Association.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Thu, Mar 09, 2017 [fa icon="user"] Joseph Rolfe [fa icon="folder-open'] Social Media, Digital Marketing, Facebook
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