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    Joseph Rolfe

    Inbound Marketing Manager at Dispatch Media Group

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    Employee Engagement Tops the List of 2017 HR Trends

    By: Catherine Conlan

    After a big hiring year in 2016, many HR managers say they are turning their attention to employee retention. The reason: all that recruiting work is wasted if the employees don’t stick around. 

    Employee engagement will play a big role in the HR realm in 2017,” says Brad Stultz, human resources director at Totally Promotional, which custom prints promotional products in Coldwater, Ohio. “With record low unemployment rates continuing across the country, employees find themselves in a position to change career paths on a whim.”

    To that end, here are the 2017 HR trends that HR managers envision.

    Insist on facts. The Dispatch will deliver them.

    These past couple of weeks have been big ones for us at the Dispatch Media Group.

    They’ve reinforced again my belief in good, old-fashioned newspaper reporting, as well as the need to invest in ourselves for the benefit of readers and advertisers like you.

    First, as you probably already know, on Jan. 19, we flipped the switch and went live on an entirely new look and feel for our websites, including Dispatch.com. The transition has been smooth and the sites are lightning quick on any device, making them an even better option than ever for showcasing your company’s marketing message.

    Then, last Sunday, The Dispatch front page led with a major investigative report by Jill Riepenhoff and Alan Johnson. It let readers know that Treasury Secretary nominee Steve Mnuchin wasn’t truthful when he told U.S. Senators during confirmation hearings that the company he once led didn’t employ “robo-signing” — or illegally signing off on stacks of mortgage documents without reading them.

    Jill and Alan’s story received national attention, including multiple mentions by Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. In fact, it was one of the reasons Senate Democrats took a step back and boycotted the vote for Mnuchin’s confirmation.

    These January events drove home to me, especially when so much bad information is being shared online, how important it is that local newspapers such as The Dispatch continue to serve the public with verified facts. That's the difference between the real news we produce and the "fake news" being pushed by pretenders.

    And we will continue to deliver real news in ways that are convenient to readers and attractive to advertisers.

    Bradley M. Harmon
    President and Publisher
    Dispatch Media Group

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    5 networking tips for blue-collar workers

    Building and leveraging professional relationships isn’t just for the suit-and-tie crowd.

    If you’re a blue-collar worker, you might think you can grow your career without relying on networking, simply because that type of thing isn’t typically associated with your industry.

    But being able to make connections, build relationships and leverage your contacts are critical components to career success, regardless of what duties your job entails.

    “When you’re a passive job seeker, you’re being complacent,” which can hinder your ability to get promoted or recruited, says Laurie Grove, director of career services at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.

    Take these five steps to build your network.

    5 Ways to be a Better Communicator at Work

    By Jon Simmons, Monster contributor

    Don’t take this personally, but more likely than not, you’re not giving 100% at your job. In fact, there’s a good chance that you’re reading this while at work.

    If so, you’re not alone. A recent Gallup study revealed a startling statistic: 70% of U.S. employees are not engaged at work.

    A major cause for this disconnect is that people tend to be really, really bad at communicating their wants and needs. Learn to do that, and you’ll stand a much better chance of staying calm and resentment-free, and possibly even landing the kind of assignments you’ve been longing for.

    Monster asked career experts for tips to help you improve your communication skills, so you can go from feeling disengaged to practically ecstatic about your job.

    Want to feel heard? Make these five communication tips your new workplace resolutions.

    How to Hire Quickly and Make the Right Choice

    By: Catherine Conlan

    For growing companies, fast growth can be exciting, but it also comes with risk. You don’t have much time to agonize over every new hire.

    And yet, bringing in the wrong people could send your growing company into a tailspin. You need to set realistic timelines and follow a hiring process, says Matt Doucette, director of global talent acquisition at Monster Worldwide. 

    Here’s how to keep your hiring pipeline moving quickly when you need it most.

    What’s Needed Now: A Workplace Culture of Respect

    By: Roberta Matuson

    Recent events have underscored deeply varied opinions in our country. More than ever, your workers need a workplace that is supportive and respectful -- a place that puts aside opposing views and enables workers to get work done together. 

    Here’s how to create a workplace culture that’s inclusive and productive.



    Create Opportunities for People to Work Together 
    You don’t have to artificially create ways for people to work together; opportunities will regularly pop up on their own. As manager or business owner, what you do need to do is to seize these moments. 

    Here’s how you can do this. Suppose a problem arises in the midst of a new product launch. Rather than summoning individuals one by one to your office, bring staff members together to brainstorm ways to quickly solve the problem. 

    In other words, be inclusive -- in both good and bad times.

    Millennials, you might want to watch what the $%!# you say at work

    Eff all of those preconceived notions your parents had about swearing at work!

    With jeans and hoodies replacing suits and ties and beer kegs sometimes being installed in break rooms, the tenor of office etiquette is changing. And with it, the language that’s acceptable is also shifting. In other words, sailors aren’t the only ones who are getting a reputation for swearing profusely on the job.

    Just look to the largest—and most vulgar—generation on the workforce: the millennials. According to the 2016 Work Management Survey work management platform Wrike, 66% of millennials swear in the workplace—28% of them do it every freaking day.

    Read on to learn what people think of swearing in the workplace and why you might want to wash your mouth out with soap during your morning commute.

    FREE Seminar for Small Businesses in Columbus, featuring a Google Speaker

    Propel Marketing/DMG will host a marketing seminar featuring Google, on November 15 from 8:30-11:30AM.

    Take Charge of Your Marketing, the free digital marketing seminar and breakfast at Crowne Plaza Columbus-North Worthington, will feature a presentation from Google specialist, Amy Impara-Gregory, and highlight why small businesses should use Guided Marketing to help grow their business.

    This seminar will show attendees just how valuable a digital marketing strategy can be in today’s day and age, and how to best utilize it to reach the right customers at the right time. Attendees will also be entered for a chance to win $1,000 in Search Marketing PLUS 1 year of FREE* Guided Marketing!

    Seating is limited, and breakfast will be provided. The event will begin and conclude with a networking and discussion session.

    To register, visit the event's website.

    Customer Service Strategies that Help Maximize Holiday Sales

    By: Catherine Conlan

    The holiday season is make-or-break time for many retailers, hospitality employers and service companies. Perhaps your company is feeling the stress of relying on seasonal employees to generate the holiday sales you’ll need to finish the year in the black. 

     The best way to remedy this situation is to focus on better customer service-- especially during the all-important holiday season. Chances are your competitors are already working on improving theirs. 

    “There have been a lot of lessons learned about customer service failure,” says Steve Goldberg, president of The Grayson Co., a retail and investment consulting company in New York City. “They’re being much more careful.”

    Here’s how to boost your holiday sales with great customer service

    How to Recruit Like a Top Ten School

    By: Roberta Matuson

    Have you noticed how some colleges and universities are experts in attracting top talent to their schools? These schools provide employers with some valuable lessons in how to attract top talent.

    Here are some best practices you can apply to your organization to recruit top talent.

    Image matters. Visit the website of any top ten school and the first thing you’ll notice are photos of happy students participating in various activities. 

    These images attract prospective students by providing a visualization of campus life. They also aim to engage parents, who are usually involved in important decisions like college or first jobs (think Millennials.)

    Take a look at your company website. Does it generate interest in your workplace or are you tempted to quickly move on? 

    If not, think about your audience. Who are you trying to attract? Consider putting together some focus groups that consist of the sort of candidates you are seeking and monitor their impressions. Then make adjustments accordingly.

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