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    Recruitment Advertising – The struggle is real...but we’ve got you covered



    With the unemployment rate in the US being the lowest it’s been in 18 years, it is no surprise that employers are having a hard time finding candidates, let alone the right ones for the job. There are simply more job openings than there are people looking for work. Employers are fishing from the same pool of candidates, leaving the job seeker with choices. Your message needs to standout or will quickly be passed over without another thought. What makes your company a great place to work? Does the public know about these things? If not, you’re missing an opportunity to build your recruitment brand so when that perfect candidate is ready, you are the place to go!

    Workplace Communication Skills

    Graphic designer. Warehouse worker. Dental assistant. Social worker. Brand ambassador.

    Do you know what each of these people has in common? Communication skills are listed as a top qualification on ZipRecruiter job postings for all of these job titles.

    Effective communication is essential to nearly every industry. After all, communication is universal. Everyone has to communicate, and people who communicate well are more likely to perform well in professional arenas. In fact, a proven ability to communicate clearly is more important to 91 percent of employers than a job candidate’s undergraduate major.

    Whether you are looking to land your dream job or score that big promotion in your current career, practicing these key workplace communication skills could help you achieve your goal.

    Get Comfortable Communicating

    Mastering these vital workplace communication skills will serve you well in your career—regardless of your line of work. And these skills are not limited to the workplace. Being a confident communicator can be beneficial for your personal life, too. Practice your new speaking, writing, listening, and body language skills everywhere you go and see first-hand the difference that strong communication skills can make.

    How We Built a Company Culture that Puts People First

    A Simplified Social Media Strategy for Your Business

    Originally posted by: Catherine Conlan of Monster.com

    What you can learn from a 7-year-old girl’s application to Google

    She didn’t get the job—yet—but we outlined a few key takeaways for writing a cover letter and even applying to Google.

    When you were seven years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?  An astronaut? Perhaps a rock star? Maybe a professional athlete? Or did you want to be just like dad and follow in your parent’s heroic footsteps doing whatever it is he does?

    Well, 7-year-old Chloe Bridgewater wants a job at Google—but she doesn’t want to wait until she’s grown up. She’s asking for one right now.

    She first learned of the job opportunity after an inspiring career chat with her father, Andy, a refrigerator parts sales manager in Hereford, England, in which the curious first-grader asked about his job and if there was anywhere else he’d want to work, Mashable reported. That’s when he told his daughter about the real-life fairy tale company named Google in a faraway land called Silicon Valley. She was so captivated by the bean bags, slides and go-karts at the California Google campus that her dad suggested she apply to the company.

    With some help from dad, Chloe wrote a cover letter addressed to “google boss” asking for a job. A few days later, she received a rare response from the tech company’s CEO, Sundar Pichai.

    In his letter, which wasn’t exactly a rejection, but rather a supportive message, Pichai wrote, “I look forward to receiving your job application when you are finished with school!” He added encouragement for the girl to keep learning about computers, robots and technology, saying, “You can accomplish everything you set your mind to.”

    Six Ways to Improve Employee Engagement with Email (Yes, Email)

    By: Graham Ericksen, Chief Strategy Officer of Modus

    Once upon a time, a company’s intranet was a place where HR and legal documents went to gather digital cobwebs. Not so today. 

    The modern intranet is the backbone of the digital workplace, an online destination where employees can go to collaborate, crowdsource ideas, engage and interact and find important information. 

    Companies that effectively use their intranets see strong boosts in employee productivity and employee satisfaction. (Innovative leaders like IBM, Oracle and Cisco report the ROI on their intranets to be greater than $1 billion.) 

    Yet despite these many benefits, not every company -- especially small or medium-sized businesses -- have the resources needed to do a full intranet overhaul. 

    If that’s the case for your company, then consider an often under-utilized tool that’s an effective, engagement-driving, low-tech version of a corporate intranet. This tool is familiar to every business. It’s called email. 

    Email? Isn’t that the thing that is adding noise to our employee engagement channels? On the contrary. It’s not about getting rid of email. It’s about getting the right email.

    After all, your organization is already focused on the inbox. When done right, email can deliver info in a concise and relevant format that busy people will pay attention to.

    Here are six strategies to make email a key building block of your own company’s internal communications and your employee engagement efforts.

    Employee Engagement Tops the List of 2017 HR Trends

    By: Catherine Conlan

    After a big hiring year in 2016, many HR managers say they are turning their attention to employee retention. The reason: all that recruiting work is wasted if the employees don’t stick around. 

    Employee engagement will play a big role in the HR realm in 2017,” says Brad Stultz, human resources director at Totally Promotional, which custom prints promotional products in Coldwater, Ohio. “With record low unemployment rates continuing across the country, employees find themselves in a position to change career paths on a whim.”

    To that end, here are the 2017 HR trends that HR managers envision.

    5 Ways to be a Better Communicator at Work

    By Jon Simmons, Monster contributor

    Don’t take this personally, but more likely than not, you’re not giving 100% at your job. In fact, there’s a good chance that you’re reading this while at work.

    If so, you’re not alone. A recent Gallup study revealed a startling statistic: 70% of U.S. employees are not engaged at work.

    A major cause for this disconnect is that people tend to be really, really bad at communicating their wants and needs. Learn to do that, and you’ll stand a much better chance of staying calm and resentment-free, and possibly even landing the kind of assignments you’ve been longing for.

    Monster asked career experts for tips to help you improve your communication skills, so you can go from feeling disengaged to practically ecstatic about your job.

    Want to feel heard? Make these five communication tips your new workplace resolutions.

    How to Hire Quickly and Make the Right Choice

    By: Catherine Conlan

    For growing companies, fast growth can be exciting, but it also comes with risk. You don’t have much time to agonize over every new hire.

    And yet, bringing in the wrong people could send your growing company into a tailspin. You need to set realistic timelines and follow a hiring process, says Matt Doucette, director of global talent acquisition at Monster Worldwide. 

    Here’s how to keep your hiring pipeline moving quickly when you need it most.

    What’s Needed Now: A Workplace Culture of Respect

    By: Roberta Matuson

    Recent events have underscored deeply varied opinions in our country. More than ever, your workers need a workplace that is supportive and respectful -- a place that puts aside opposing views and enables workers to get work done together. 

    Here’s how to create a workplace culture that’s inclusive and productive.



    Create Opportunities for People to Work Together 
    You don’t have to artificially create ways for people to work together; opportunities will regularly pop up on their own. As manager or business owner, what you do need to do is to seize these moments. 

    Here’s how you can do this. Suppose a problem arises in the midst of a new product launch. Rather than summoning individuals one by one to your office, bring staff members together to brainstorm ways to quickly solve the problem. 

    In other words, be inclusive -- in both good and bad times.

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