As a young Media seller sitting in a training class, I was told 50% of advertising works, the trick is finding out which 50% is working. Things sure have changed! At Propel Marketing with our dashboard capabilities, your online advertising efforts are transparent. Our advertisers are seeing a large ROI on Video Pre-roll. As there has been a decline in traditional advertising, an article by eMarketer share that by 2020, TV’s share of ad sending will fall below 1/3, whereas digital ad spending in 2017 will equal 38.4% of total ad buys. Below are a few key drivers of video pre-roll growth and what can be expected in the future:
Elaine Kistler
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[fa icon="clock-o"] Fri, Aug 26, 2016 [fa icon="user"] Elaine Kistler [fa icon="folder-open'] Search Engine Optimization, Online Advertising, Digital Marketing, Digital Advertising, Pre Roll Video, Optimization
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