Jarrod Miller
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[fa icon="clock-o"] Thu, Jun 12, 2014 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Advertising Tips, Marketing, Marketing Plan
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There is more to success than having a great product or service – if no one has heard of your company, you are not likely to generate leads and sales. In the emerging market of easy access to information, it is imperative that managers and businesses utilize tools to market their goods and services effectively. Otherwise, consumers and competitors will leave you in the dust.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Tue, May 06, 2014 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Branding
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We at The Columbus Dispatch are shaking things up. In the last few years, our 142-year-old media company has revamped our product, our brand, and our relationship to both consumers and advertisers. While some changes are obvious, others are more subtle. Regardless, the transition has resulted in tangible gains for The Dispatch. The best part is that any news company willing to make important changes can benefit from the transition.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Fri, May 02, 2014 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Columbus Dispatch
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In it, you’ll find best practices which can be easily implemented in a variety of business models. In addition to learning the six strategies, Dispatch Media Group has included practical examples and real-world applications to further guide you. These steps are laid out simply, effectively, and will translate well to your business.
Our Top 6 Strategies will help you understand your target buyer, create and distribute meaningful content, build presence through frequency, develop multi-touch campaigns, and learn to analyze the effectiveness of your advertising.
By incorporating the Top 6 Strategies, business owners will better understand their clientele, be able to market valuable content effectively through multiple media platforms, and evaluate their return on investment. Dispatch Media Group is confident that these strategies will build lasting customer relationships and improve your bottom line. So download it now and start learning how to build a marketing communication plan for you business.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Thu, Apr 17, 2014 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Newspaper, Search Engine Optimization, Blogging
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Everybody has heard the saying “knowledge is power.” For business owner’s knowledge often comes from data, thus “data is power.” The more data your small business has the better, right? How many widgets sold last month and how many are in inventory? What is the profit margin on each widget sold? What were total sales yesterday, or last week? These are questions that business owners can answer quickly, and they are all derived from data.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Tue, Sep 03, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Increasing Sales, Small Business, Email Marketing
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Blogging is not just designed for mothers to chronicle their toddler's latest adventures or a “Star Trek” fan to break down which version of Captain James T. Kirk is superior. Few marketing tools match the power of blogs for growing small businesses.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Fri, Aug 09, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Marketing, Blogging, Small Business
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Email marketing is only effective when people can see and read your message. Ending up in the spam folder can be a dangerous fate if your company uses email marketing as a primary marketing tool. It can mean reaching fewer potential customers, lost sales and a decline in revenue. With such high stakes, you can't afford to make any serious missteps on an email marketing campaign.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Thu, Jul 25, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Customer Service, Email Marketing
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Your advertising reach campaigns may bring visitors to your site, but they don’t always convert to customers. In fact, according to research from MarketingSherpa, conversion rates vary from 3 percent for retail sites to 10 percent for financial and professional service sites. Many people think this indicates a problem with the original campaign or message, but that may not be the case. It could be that the prospect simply wasn’t ready to buy at that moment, but they may be in the future. You don’t want to take a chance on losing the sale to a competitor so you need a way to stay top of mind with the target. The best way to do that is retargeting.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Thu, Jul 11, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Dispatch Digital, Retargeting
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While digital marketing simplifies some things, it doesn’t change the basic rules of the game. People buy from people they trust, and they trust what they hear about you from your other customers more than they trust what you say about yourself. To stay competitive, you definately need your customers to be your online allies to increase traffic and sales.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Tue, Jul 02, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Increasing Sales, Customer Service
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Remember the days when some companies couldn’t help but retain customers no matter what they did? If you are older, like me, you remember when the phone book was twice as thick, when people bought and used encyclopedias from a door-to-door salesperson, and when people would actually mail letters. There was no internet yet to compete and then eventually become the norm. These days rarely is a company that fortunate. Instead companies must plan, strategize and compete for every dollar.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Fri, Jun 07, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jarrod Miller [fa icon="folder-open'] Increasing Sales, Customer Service
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