In today’s market, you cannot fully understand your target market until you understand your own company. Raven, an online marketing service provider, published a great article detailing the value of breaking down your marketing efforts into individual segments, with each segment representing a different group of customers with similar backgrounds, needs and values. The consequence of such an endeavor is a campaign with better focus that is more engaging to your target audience.
Rae Lemley
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[fa icon="clock-o"] Mon, Jan 20, 2014 [fa icon="user"] Rae Lemley [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Social Media, Online Advertising, Columbus Dispatch, Newspaper Advertising
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The world of education is facing a blitz of forces changing the way we’ve always done things. Technologies like massive online open campuses and mobile devices are disrupting institutional organization. Blended learning and the need for equal access to college credit opportunities for high school students are forcing educational institutions to make the decision to resist change or get ahead of it. Read on for what I think are the top three current trends in education.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Thu, Aug 29, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Rae Lemley [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Marketing, Higher Education
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Mobile advertising is one of the fastest growing and most promising new marketing approaches. Until recently, media venues have been defined by functionality and the surrounding environment. Mobile has changed that. The functionality of different mobile devices varies widely and the environments the devices are being used in are almost infinite. In fact according a study conducted by Compete Inc., two out of three consumers use mobile devices at home to research education not just while on the go. In addition, roughly one in eight education related searches are performed on a mobile device. Consumers move fluidly across devices and platforms. Advertisers must make sure their messages do the same. With all of this opportunity packed into such small screens, what’s the best way to convey your message?
[fa icon="clock-o"] Tue, Jul 23, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Rae Lemley [fa icon="folder-open'] Mobile Advertising, Mobile
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Columbus, OH is an extremely competitive market in the higher education sector and why not when almost half of our DMA has sought out some sort of higher education whether it is a few classes here and there, a bachelor’s degree, or an associate’s degree? In the local area there are many competing colleges and universities all fighting for their share of potential recruits. Communicating the value your institution provides will be vital for institutions that want to survive and thrive.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Tue, Apr 30, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Rae Lemley [fa icon="folder-open'] Advertising, Market Position, Higher Education
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